Friday 7 September 2012

Good & Bad points

Well, last term was full of activities. The year started very quick for me because I had to leave my old place and move to another house, and during that time the academic year was just starting and I had many things pendent so I was kind of busy. Besides that I was working at different jobs as using animals costumes or transcribing.
Last term I took lot of subjects I didn’t pass during the last 2 years in university, so I learnt lot of things. I also played a lot of baby football, like every Monday with some friends and I also took boxing classes in the Mexico club, near Cumming metro station.
As challenges I don’t see anything because there wasn’t anything so difficult for me as a challenge, but I would consider to finish my subjects as the main challenge. At the end of the last term I was really happy for having passed them haha.

See you!

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